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Juno the Cocker Spaniel #Papidou

Long Time ago.... sorry maybe a few years ago, I was bitten by the dog that my boarding school had named - Preeti (don't ask), so since then, I was deathly afraid of dogs, but then again if anyone has ridden their bikes in Goa will know what it feels like to put your legs up in the air and ride as fast as you can when mongrels come running towards your bike at night. (yes, that has happened)..So to appear brave because I hated looking weak,

I would be brave, and subsequently avoid some dogs, except well behaved, not the jumpy kind doggies.

At first, I was scared and eventually, I started to pet them, trusting that they will not rip my leg or face! In short I would fake being around a dog. (so that was enough for me to think not every dog was my friend but I can not be afraid and get away with it).

Fast forward a few years, my friend (aka The Oracle) found a mommy dog who had some puppies, so while the mom was captured by Goa Municipality the puppies were left stranded. She saw me and handed me a plastic bag containing a small brown puppy to take home... yes, just like that!)

Now, don't think that I am suddenly a dog person, I took the puppy home armed with shampoo, flea powder and headed home, luckily got permission from dad and named him "ruffie". Well Ruffie got bonded with my dad and he stayed there and I moved to Dubai.

Year 2015, Verona decided to look for dogs to foster for a few days, I hesitated, cried, threw a tandrum, made deals and finally conceded to foster a dog for few days.

While I was away travelling, she picked the dog up and decided to pick me up from the airport withe dog in the car.

I came up to the car and saw her... JUNO.

You know you are fully expected to fall in love with your family, or your better half or your kids. but nobody told me how much I would love this dog.

I didn’t expect my heart to expand at every turn.

To worry and fret.

To laugh and chat (what? She is a good listener).

Juno loves straight from her heart Or maybe straight from the tip of her nose to her wagging tail.

and I love her with the same enthusiasm.

Juno the Cocker Spaniel aka Papidou

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